Interactive writing prompt Friday has arrived and I know you
guys are as excited as I am. The main goal of this blog post is to get everyone
to write something, whether you are a blogger, author, teacher, student, office
employee, etc.
This exercise is open to everyone and it would be amazing if
all of us could participate via the comments section (you can write it in word
or notepad and then just copy and paste if that’s easier for you).
Maybe you've been itching to write something, but haven't
had any inspiration? Or you're currently working on something and seem to be in
a rut? Perhaps this could just be a fun little side venture? Have you been
looking to write something outside of your genre? Whatever this prompt means to
you, I just want everyone to have fun with it.
I will pick a prompt which I think was the most creative and
well thought out and display it on my Writing Prompt Spotlight page with a link
to your website, blog or social media account. Your prompt will be there until
the next writing prompt exercise.
Without further ado, I present you this month’s writing
You can choose one out of the two: